Rosen Holds Call With Leaders in Nevada’s Afghan Community, Discusses Casework Efforts Related to Evacuations from Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV)

LAS VEGAS, NV – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D-NV), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), held a statewide call with leaders in Nevada’s Afghan community to discuss her office’s casework efforts related to the ongoing situation in Afghanistan.

“As massive evacuation efforts continue in Afghanistan, my office is here to assist Nevadans, U.S. diplomatic personnel, Afghan allies, and their families during this difficult time,” said Senator Rosen. “During yesterday’s call, I had the opportunity to hear directly from leaders in Nevada’s Afghan community about their unimaginable concerns for the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the impact it will have on family members and loved ones. I shared the work my office is doing to assist constituents who are trying to secure evacuations from Afghanistan and let the community know that my office stands ready to assist Afghan refugees as they arrive in Nevada. We also discussed the horrific act of terror that occurred yesterday in Kabul, which injured and took the lives of U.S. service members and Afghan citizens. I remain grateful to the U.S. troops and embassy personnel who are working to protect others, and have evacuated tens of thousands of people over the last two weeks, and will continue to provide support and work with stakeholders during the evacuation effort and beyond.”

“The situation in Afghanistan is desperate and at a point of catastrophe,” said Rokai Yusufzai, Community Affairs Liaison for the Afghan American Council of Las Vegas. “We, Afghan-Americans, not so distant from our roots, applaud Senators like Jacky Rosen who choose to be warriors for universal justice and advocate for communities while they are in their weakest state. Senator Rosen’s support of the refugee crisis in Afghanistan is a reminder to all Members of Congress to step forward and actively listen to their constituents and to the cries of our families around the world. We need to find a way to continue getting U.S. Citizens and those who have been approved to leave out of Afghanistan. We also have a responsibility to all our allies in Afghanistan who have supported this nation for over the last twenty years. Bring the refugees to safety.”

BACKGROUND: The office of Senator Rosen is offering constituent services for Nevadans who have family members or loved ones overseas, or who have contacted us about Afghan allies seeking to depart Afghanistan. Senator Rosen has included a direct assistance page on her office’s website.

Earlier this month, Senator Rosen joined her Senate colleagues in urging the Biden administration to take swift, robust action to protect and support Afghan women leaders. Senator Rosen also joined colleagues in requesting the immediate evacuation of Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants and their families.
