Murkowski Statement on Attacks in Kabul, Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Lisa Murkowski


U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) made the following statement after two bombings took place near Kabul’s international airport, which killed 13 U.S. service members and wounded as many as 18 more:

“I have long supported withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan, but the manner in which the drawdown has taken place has been chaotic and irresponsible and led to the horrific scenes we have witnessed over the last 12 days. It is devastating to see that American troops were targeted, injured, and killed while protecting the airport. My deepest condolences go out to their families and loved ones. It is important to remember that their mission has not been in vain as thousands of Americans and tens of thousands of allies and vulnerable Afghans have been safely evacuated. We must continue our focus on the mission our military were sent to defend: bringing our people home and helping those who have helped us.

“My office continues to respond to many, many constituents who have requested evacuation assistance for their family members, friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Due to this enormous evacuation effort, the State Department has not been able to provide updates at the individual level. In just the last 12 days, over 82,000 people have been evacuated from Kabul. My staff will continue to help constituents in need and when the timing is appropriate, I will ensure full accountability for the decisions made within this administration. The time now is to honor those who have fallen and ensure their mission is carried out. President Biden committed to the American people that he will ensure any American who wishes to leave the country is able to do so and that those terrorists that attacked and killed our service members will pay the price. They will not win. I intend to hold the president to those words.”

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