Luján Statement on Afghan Evacuees Arriving in New Mexico at Holloman Air Force Base

Source: US Senator for New Mexico Ben Ray Luján

Luján Statement on Afghan Evacuees Arriving in New Mexico at Holloman Air Force Base

Nambé, N.M. – U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) issued the following statement on the announcement that Holloman Air Force Base will begin temporarily housing Afghan evacuees following their removal from Afghanistan:

“As the situation in Afghanistan becomes more dire with each day that passes – I’m proud that New Mexico has answered the call to serve,” said Senator Luján. “New Mexico’s Holloman Air Force Base will join the list of installations providing temporary housing, sustainment and support to Afghan evacuees. Those coming to New Mexico have endured a long and difficult journey, and I’m glad our state will serve as a safe refuge. I thank our service members stationed at Holloman Air Force Base and Fort Bliss for assisting this humanitarian crisis and I also thank the troops in Afghanistan who provided safe passage for the evacuees. My office is working tirelessly with the departments of State and Defense to evacuate more of our citizens and Afghan allies. I encourage anyone in need of assistance to please contact my office for help.”
