Daines Statement on the Terrorist Attacks Against U.S. Troops, Afghan Allies in Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement in response to today’s terrorist attacks in Afghanistan resulting in the death of several U.S. service members and the news of the Biden administration giving the names of Americans and Afghan allies to the Taliban.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the families of our fallen and wounded service members—our troops are American heroes,” Daines said. This tragedy was entirely preventable. The terrorist attacks in Kabul today against U.S. troops, American citizens and innocent Afghans are a devastating result of President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal out of Afghanistan. To learn that Biden shared the names of Americans and Afghan allies with the Taliban is unconscionable, and his negligence will live in infamy. We cannot accept Biden’s August 31st exit ‘deal’ with the Taliban as Americans, our troops and our allies remain stranded and dying. Biden must ensure our forces on the ground have the means to respond decisively and that we get all Americans and our Afghan allies out safely.”


Last week, Daines issued a statement in response to President Biden’s failed leadership in Afghanistan and the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban.

Daines demanded accountability and action from President Biden over the reckless loss of more than $80 billion in military equipment and weaponry in Afghanistan, which has already been confiscated by the Taliban because of the President’s disastrous withdrawal.  


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler