Crucial Information on Afghanistan Assistance

Source: United States Senator for Texas Ted Cruz

Sen. Cruz’s office is working diligently with the U.S. Department of State (DOS) to assist American citizens, Legal Permanent Residents, and Immigrant Visa Applicants, including Special Immigrant Visa applicants and their families that are in Afghanistan to relocate. Please see the most recent security alerts here:
U.S. government-provided flights are departing. If you are a U.S. citizen, U.S. lawful permanent resident LPR), immigrant visa applicant, or are affiliated with the U.S. government and have received specific instructions to travel to the Hamid Karzai International Airport, follow the instructions you have been given.
If you have begun the SIV or the P1/P2 process, you will be given instructions on next steps. Please understand, however, that this process may take an extended period.
If you are not a part of the above groups, but are seeking to leave Afghanistan and are part of an organized private effort to evacuate, please do not come to the airport until you have received specific instructions to travel to the Hamid Karzai International Airport from the flight organizer.
U.S. citizens and LPR’s requesting assistance in departing the country MUST complete the Repatriation Assistance Request for each traveler in their group as soon as possible. Spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens in Afghanistan who are awaiting immigrant visas should also complete this form if they wish to depart. This form is the only way to communicate interest in flight options.
DOS will contact registered U.S. citizens as the security situation changes to provide further instructions.
Please send the following information by email to for each person who is in need of assistance in departing Afghanistan. To ensure your case is handled expeditiously and without delay, you MUST include all of the information requested below for each person seeking to leave Afghanistan and that information must be typed into the text/body of your email (not solely in email attachments).
Full Legal Name
Date of Birth
Current Status (select one of the following):
United States Citizen
United States Lawful Permanent Resident (LRP or green card holder)
Afghan Citizen currently holding an Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV)
Afghan Citizen who has applied for but is not yet approved for a SIV
Afghan Citizen that has been referred to the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) through a P1/P2 referral AND, if referred to USRAP, indicate which Government Agency or U.S. Media/U.S. NGO made the referral.

Passport Number or Tazkera (Afghan National Identification) Number
If the individual has a visa, include the National Visa Center Special Immigration Visa (NVCSIV) number connected with the principal applicant’s case
Connection to the United States (where applicable)
Current Location
Contact Information (including email, phone number, messaging capabilities, etc.) P1/P2s must be submitted by the US government agency that funded the program the Afghan worked on. For US media/US NGOs that were not funded by USG, but that would like to make a referral, they should complete the attached form and email it to
Actions to take:
Be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially in large crowds.
Follow the instructions of local authorities including movement restrictions related to curfews.
Have a contingency plan for emergencies and review the Traveler’s Checklist.
Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information.
Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
Special Immigrant Visas (SIV):
With improvements in the security situation at Hamid Karzai International Airport, the United States Government has resumed military evacuation flights. In addition to expediting the evacuation of US citizens and their family members, DOS has stated that they are doing everything they can to accelerate efforts to relocate Afghans at risk, including those Afghans who have worked with or on behalf of the United States over the years.
DOS has advised that they will be reaching out initially to SIV applicants with whom DOS was already in contact through Operation Allies Refuge to facilitate their relocation. DOS will also contact SIV recipients who already have their visas and were scheduled to depart Afghanistan on commercial flights but were unable to do so before flights were suspended. SIV applicants with approved visas do not need to show the actual visa in order to be admitted by U.S. personnel. The USG has other ways of confirming their identity.
As the situation permits, DOS has advised that they will look to expand their evacuation efforts to include other SIV applicants whose cases are in earlier stages of visa processing.
Separately, DOS has advised that they will continue to streamline the existing Afghan SIV application process to make it as quick and easy as possible to assist those who have yet to submit applications or still await Chief of Mission approval. DOS has updated guidance online and are organizing a dedicated team to answer direct questions. DOS has advised that they will also utilize the tools provided in July by Congress in the Emergency Security Supplemental Appropriations Act.