Carper, Coons, Blunt Rochester continue to assist Delawareans in Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Delaware Christopher Coons

WILMINGTON, Del. – The offices of U.S. Sen. Tom Carper, Sen. Chris Coons, and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (all D-Del.) continue to help Delawareans who are in Afghanistan, or have family or loved ones in Afghanistan, and are seeking assistance in evacuating the country. 

“We must do everything we can to help protect Americans and our partners on the ground in Afghanistan,” said Delaware’s congressional delegation. “We continue to work day and night to help those at risk — and we urge all Delawareans to reach out to us if we can assist them or their loved ones.”

Constituents can contact any of the offices — CarperCoons, or Blunt Rochester — and provide the following information:  

  • Full legal name, age, citizenship, gender, and date of birth of the persons seeking to leave Afghanistan.
  • Current status – are they an American citizen, a Lawful Permanent Resident (green card holder), a woman at risk, an Afghan currently holding a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV), an Afghan that is in the SIV process but does not yet have a SIV, or an Afghan that has been referred to the US Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) through a P1/P2 referral (if they were referred to the USRAP, please indicate what government agency or US Media/US NGO referred them). 
  • Connection to the United States, national ID number (where applicable).
  • Passport details to include document number.
  • Current location, mobility, and contact information (including email, phone number, messaging abilities, etc.).