Senator Murray: The Clock is Ticking on Voting Rights

Source: United States Senator for Washington State Patty Murray

Senator Murray: “The clock is ticking on voting rights. We need to use every legislative tool, including an exemption to the filibuster, to ensure voting rights protections can be signed into law.”

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) issued the following statement, urging decisive action on voting rights, after the House passage of H.R. 4 – the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.

“I have said time and again that passing strong federal voting rights protections into law is essential to making sure our democracy stays a democracy. Today’s passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act in the House should be a wakeup call to the Senate: the clock is ticking on voting rights. We need to use every legislative tool, including an exemption to the filibuster, to ensure voting rights protections can be signed into law. People’s ability to make their voices heard in our country—and nothing less than the future of our democracy—is at stake.”

Senator Murray is determined to make sure the Senate can act on voting rights, and has consistently stated that federal voting rights protections are a top priority for her, telling KUOW earlier this summer that the For the People Act was, “the most important” bill the Senate would vote on this Congress. In March, Murray also announced her support for an exemption to the filibuster on voting rights protections, telling the Spokesman-Review, “the For the People Act is essential to making sure our democracy stays a democracy and I will consider every legislative option, including an exemption to the filibuster, to ensure it can be signed into law.”
