Hoeven: With Abbiamo Expansion, North Dakota Wheat Now Processed & Packaged Entirely Within State, Sold Nationwide

Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven


CASSELTON, N.D. – Senator John Hoeven today announced the expansion of the Abbiamo Pasta production facility in Casselton, as well as the company’s new partnership with McLane Global. The $15 million expansion was completed earlier this year, adding 94,490 square feet and 22 jobs to the now joint Abbiamo-McLane Global facility. This includes:

  • A new short goods production line for Abbiamo, doubling its capacity to 120 million lbs. per year.
  • A new packaging line for McLane Global with a capacity of 60 million units per year.
  • Additional space for future production line and capacity expansions.

Hoeven outlined how, with the new partnership, North Dakota wheat has been vertically-integrated into products that are grown, processed and packaged entirely within the state and sold to food retailers across the country. The senator stressed that this approach provides greater value to agriculture producers and helps keep more of the income derived from their crops in local communities.

“Abbiamo’s expansion and partnership with McLane Global is a tremendous opportunity for North Dakota’s wheat growers as well as a multi-million-dollar investment in Casselton,” said Hoeven. “Our state’s producers are leaders in all things agriculture, and this facility expands their reach while keeping more of the production in-state. That means more jobs and more value going straight to our farmers. This is exactly the kind of value-added opportunity we’ve worked to seize over the years, and we appreciate the hard work and investment by Abbiamo and McLane Global in our state.” 

This investment aligns with Hoeven’s work, both as governor and U.S. Senator, to secure more opportunities for value-added agriculture in the state and to diversify the local economy. Among other priorities, Hoeven has worked as ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Appropriations Committee and a senior member of the Agriculture Committee to ensure strong funding for: 

  • Value Added Producer Grants Program – Helps agriculture producers pursue value-added opportunities, including developing new products and accessing new markets.
  • Agriculture Innovation Center Program – Supports technical assistance, including financial, engineering, organizational and other services, for agriculture producers to help them develop and market value-added agricultural products.
