Luján Highlights Historic Infrastructure Investments in “Recover and Rebuild” Tour Across Eastern and Southeastern New Mexico Communities

Source: US Senator for New Mexico Ben Ray Luján

Luján Highlights Historic Infrastructure Investments in “Recover and Rebuild” Tour Across Eastern and Southeastern New Mexico Communities

Local Leaders Across Four Counties Applaud Luján’s Leadership 

Nambé, N.M. – Following the U.S. Senate passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) spent the week meeting with local leaders across eastern and southeastern New Mexico to discuss how increased infrastructure investments would benefit the state. In visits to Clovis, Portales, Hobbs, Carlsbad, and Roswell, Senator Luján met with local mayors, city and county officials, and education and health care leaders. 

PHOTOS: Luján Touts Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation

“This week, I was honored to travel across eastern and southeastern New Mexico to strengthen relationships, learn more about local priorities, and discuss how the bipartisan infrastructure legislation will help New Mexicans recover and rebuild from the pandemic. Showing up matters – and I appreciated the opportunity to highlight how this legislation will empower New Mexico’s economic recovery and create new, good-paying jobs,” said Luján. “The bipartisan infrastructure legislation is an investment in New Mexico’s future that will drive needed investments to communities across the state.” 

“I would like to thank Senator Luján and his team for our meeting on Monday, and for his support of infrastructure projects, including the MLK street project, which are important to area residents,” said Clovis Mayor Mike Morris. “Senator Luján and his team are extremely responsive in providing information and assistance regarding federal programs and activities, and we thank them for their support.” 

“I would like to thank Senator Luján for coming to Portales and meeting with our community representatives. I feel as though the conversations provided the Senator with some insight as to the needs of our City, the public schools along with ENMU,” said Portales Mayor Ron Jackson. “I think communication is a valuable tool to move our community forward and when we have the opportunity to meet in person it’s even more productive. We are all Americans representing our cities and the State of New Mexico – we do not need to be red or blue but be red, white, and blue.” 

“On behalf of the City of Hobbs, I sincerely appreciate Senator Luján and his staff for taking the time to come and visit our community. Our conversations provided some valuable information to all involved and we believe he left the community with a greater understanding of the needs and desires of our residents,” said Hobbs Mayor Sam Cobb. “We look forward to additional engagement with the Senator and his staff in the future.” 

“I appreciate the time spent with Senator Luján and his staff. Visiting Southeastern New Mexico shows his character on how he is representing is distinct and how he will communicate and listen while serving,” said Lovington Mayor David A. Trujillo. “Our meeting was informative and my question in regards to our oil and gas economy were answered and relayed in Carlsbad, New Mexico, by visiting a site the following day.” 

“The community of Jal recognizes and appreciates the time and effort made by Senator Luján and his staff during their visit to our area. I hope the information shared during our conversation offered the Senator and his team clarity and a better understanding of our particular needs and concerns,” said Jal Mayor Stephen Aldridge. “We hope this opportunity was the first of many engagements with the Senator and his staff and look forward to working with his office in the future.”

“We had a productive meeting with Senator Luján, where we discussed several key issues related to our community and our economy. We hope he’ll be back very soon so we can give him a full tour of Carlsbad and its industries,” said Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway.

“Senator Luján’s willingness to help us develop a multi-faceted approach to bringing jobs, economic development, educational opportunities and prosperity to Southeastern New Mexico is greatly appreciated. The help will provide lasting benefits for generations of people who are thirsting for good paying jobs and the ability to better provide for their families,” said Chaves County Manager Bill Williams. “Again, realizing that this is a regional project that reaches well beyond the City of Roswell and provides economic opportunities and diversity for the entire region is crucial.”
