Lankford Statement on Hasty Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford


WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) issued the following statement after the Taliban over took Afghanistan:

“The rapid return of the Taliban in Afghanistan due to the rapid withdrawal of American forces was seen by almost everyone except President Biden. The lack of a coherent plan by this administration led to the chaotic collapse of the nation and the disorderly withdrawal of American forces and contractors. The Afghan people went from living in freedom to living under a reign of terror in less than two weeks. We should bring the majority of our troops home, but leaving Afghanistan unstable only creates fertile ground for future terror attacks. Those who have served and those who have paid the ultimate price in Afghanistan over the past 20 years to protect American lives and to bring stability to the region should be honored and remembered for their blood, pain and sacrifice.”
