Fischer Statement on the Evacuation in Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Nebraska Deb Fischer

LINCOLN, NEB. – U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement addressing the current evacuation operation happening in Afghanistan. 

“We continue to be briefed by the Biden administration on the operation to evacuate thousands of United States citizens and tens of thousands of Afghan partners and their families who remain in Taliban-controlled Kabul. Reports have already surfaced of the Taliban conducting door-to-door searches and controlling access to the airport.

“The president is responsible for both the decision to leave Afghanistan, and its implementation. Regardless of whether one agrees with his decision to leave, President Biden’s lack of an exit plan, disregard for changing circumstances on the ground, and constant blame-shifting is inexcusable.

“Listening to the president speak yesterday, you would think the Afghans abandoned him. When in fact, the administration has for months ignored pleas from Congress to address the SIV backlog. 

“Now our troops are in a more dangerous situation than before as they quickly work to airlift as many Afghan translators, embassy staff, journalists, and their families as they can. Despite claims that Biden planned for a possible collapse of Afghan forces, what we see on TV shows the opposite.”