Senator Scott Statement on Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Monday | August 16, 2021

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) released the following statement on the crisis in Afghanistan.

“After days of deafening silence, President Biden doubled down on his poorly-planned, chaotic drawdown in Afghanistan, and refused to acknowledge that his ineptitude endangers the lives of Americans and our allies still on the ground,” said Senator Scott.
“This crisis not only empowers the Taliban to export their jihad to the rest of the region, but it also sends a message of weakness to our adversaries around the world who will be emboldened to encroach on U.S. allies by this abdication of leadership. Rather than a measured, responsible approach to ending the war in Afghanistan, the Biden administration has presented a false choice between the current total chaos and staying in a ‘forever war.’
“As the entire world watches in dismay at the horrifying images from the streets of Kabul, my heart breaks for our allies and many others who will be targeted by the Taliban. It didn’t have to be this way.”


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