Sen. Cramer Blasts Biden’s Energy Policies at Roundtable with Interior Deputy Secretary

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

BISMARCK — U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), a Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee member, participated a roundtable today hosted by Senator John Hoeven (R-ND) with Department of the Interior (DOI) Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau. At the event, Senator Cramer delivered harsh remarks on the Biden Administration’s energy policies. 

“It is hard to watch the chaos unfold in the Middle East and think President Biden’s energy plan is a good idea,” said Senator Cramer. “By undermining American energy production and shifting our reliance to foreign adversaries in volatile parts of the world, the President is putting our energy, economic, and national security at risk. After finally becoming energy independent, it is incomprehensible the United States would call on OPEC to bail us out while freezing North Dakota and the nation’s natural resources. This backward logic enriches our adversaries and competitors, harms American workers, and increases emissions by boosting the production of dirtier energy. I thank Deputy Secretary Beaudreau for listening, and I hope we were able to arm him with the right information to help him steer the Administration’s energy policies in a direction that works for our state and the nation.”

Senator Cramer supported the Deputy Secretary’s nomination, which the Senate voted to confirm in June. His visit to North Dakota is his first official trip in this role. Today’s roundtable focused on water infrastructure management and executive action from the Administration like its moratorium on federal oil and gas leases on public lands.

Senator Cramer has been vocal in his opposition to actions taken by DOI under President Biden that harm American energy, including the moratorium, which uniquely damages North Dakota. The senator recently submitted remarks to the Congressional Record in support of the lawsuit filed by North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem against the moratorium. Click here to read the remarks.