Letter to the Editor: Marco Rubio: Child Tax Credit Lets Parents Keep Their Own Money
Sen. Marco Rubio
August 13, 2021
Wall Street Journal
… At issue is the misrepresentation of my proposal to expand the child tax credit for working parents. In 2017, despite opposition from many in my party and the Journal’s editorial page, I worked with Sen. Mike Lee and Ivanka Trump to double the credit as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. By some estimates, the changes helped the average family of four keep an extra $2,900 a year of their own money.
That’s not redistribution; it is common sense. Thankfully, Senate Republicans agree with me, voting unanimously in March to expand the credit beyond the TCJA levels, up to $3,300 a child, including $4,200 for children under 6. But it is a credit against taxes paid, which means work is required.
By contrast, the Biden administration’s new child allowance is wealth redistribution and the first step toward a universal basic income, because it includes no work requirement. …
The real threat to work and prosperity comes from President Biden’s Obama-on-steroids agenda, not from allowing parents to keep more of their hard-earned money.
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