Manchin: West Virginians Have Three Days Left To Apply For Health Insurance During ACA Open Enrollment Period

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Joe Manchin

August 13, 2021

West Virginians interested in applying can learn more at or call at 1-844-WV-CARES

Charleston, WV – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) reminded and encouraged West Virginians without health insurance to apply for coverage during the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Special Enrollment Period that ends in 3 days, on Sunday, August 15th, 2021. Since the beginning of the year, more than 19,000 West Virginians have signed up for healthcare coverage under the ACA.

“West Virginians only have three days left to sign up for healthcare coverage during the Affordable Care Act Special Enrollment Period that ends August 15, 2021,” said Senator Manchin. “The ACA provides quality, affordable healthcare and the American Rescue Plan has also made healthcare more affordable by increasing premium tax credits, leading to lower premiums and cheaper health plans for West Virginians and their families. I encourage every West Virginian without healthcare coverage to visit this weekend to find a plan that works for you and your family. If you have questions or need assistance, visit the ACA WV Navigator for free assistance.”

The American Rescue Plan has provided additional financial assistance to West Virginians by lowering healthcare coverage premiums. The American Rescue Plan increased premium tax credits, which has led to lower premiums, and returning customers in West Virginia saved 32% on premiums between April 1st and June 30th. During that same period, new consumers’ monthly premiums fell by over 25% on average and their median deductible fell by nearly 90%, from $450 to $50.

In January, Senator Manchin applauded President Biden’s executive order to open the ACA for a Special Enrollment Period beginning on February 15thIn March, Senator Manchin also applauded the decision to extend the Special Enrollment Period three months later to August 15th to allow Americans more time to apply for coverage.

West Virginia offers free enrollment assistance to all in-state residents through the WV Navigator. You can learn more at or call at 1-844-WV-CARES.