Sullivan Rejects Democrats $3.5 Trillion Reckless Tax and Spending Spree

Source: United States Senator for Alaska Dan Sullivan


WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) issued the following statement on his vote in opposition to the Democrats’ legislative blueprint for their $3.5 trillion reckless tax and spending spree that will have a disastrous impact on the country.

The Democrats’ unprecedented $3.5 trillion tax and spending spree being written by self-described socialist Bernie Sanders is a partisan liberal wish list loaded with radical policies, like the Green New Deal, that will further push upon American families the far left’s cradle-to-grave socialist agenda,” said Sen. Sullivan. “This spending spree will stick hard-working families in Alaska with higher costs, lower wages and less freedom.

“I share the concern of many Americans about out-of-control government spending. Overall inflation has risen at the fastest rate in more than a decade and families are already paying for Democrat-driven inflation from the gas pump, to the grocery store, to the cost of housing. The reckless spending that we’re seeing from the Democrats is going to do real, lasting damage to our economy, in addition to driving up our national debt to historic levels. And make no mistake, because Democrats are beholden to their far-left radical supporters, they alone will own the debt, higher prices and loss of income that will result from this unprecedented, irresponsible socialist spending spree.” 

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