Shaheen Statement on Senate Passage of Historic Investments in U.S. Care Economy

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

August 11, 2021

**The landmark budget framework that invests in working families & combating climate change follows the Senate’s passage of the bipartisan infrastructure package, which Shaheen helped negotiate** 

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement in response to the Senate’s passage of a budget framework that sets the stage for historic investments in the United States’ care economy. The vote today is a step towards legislation that would help American families by creating jobs, cutting taxes for working families, investing in child care, expanding affordable housing and more, as well as dedicating substantial resources to respond to the growing climate crisis. 

“On the heels of the bipartisan infrastructure package I helped negotiate, I’m proud the Senate took an important step forward in delivering historic investments that would strengthen our economy and lift up Granite State working families. This legislation would be a win for Americans across the country, with bold policies to bolster our health care, housing, economic opportunity and child care for working families. From cutting taxes for tens of millions of families and creating hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs to expanding Medicare to cover dental, vision and hearing, this framework would help Americans become whole again as we fight our way through the pandemic. The legislation also recognizes the existential threat posed by climate change and would invest more in combating this crisis than any legislation ever passed by the Senate. These meaningful investments are all made without raising taxes on the middle class. Today, the Senate took bold action to put opportunity and security within reach for millions more Americans – now it’s time to get to work filling in the details of this historic framework.”

The landmark $3.5 trillion budget plan that invests in the care economy and combating climate change follows the Senate’s passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, a historic bipartisan infrastructure plan which Shaheen helped steer through key negotiations.  
