Senators Collins and King Celebrate Unanimous Senate Passage of National Lobster Day Resolution

Source: United States Senator for Maine Angus King

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King are celebrating Senate passage of their bipartisan resolution that designates September 25, 2021 as “National Lobster Day.” The declaration was made official through a resolution the Senators authored, which was unanimously passed by the Senate in recent days. National Lobster Day seeks to recognize the economic and cultural importance of the species, which is a major economic driver for Maine. Senators Collins and King have authored this resolution every year since 2015.

“Lobster is an iconic emblem for our state, and Maine’s lobster fishery is a cornerstone of our state’s economy, supporting thousands of jobs and playing a central role in our coastal communities,” said Senators Collins and King. “National Lobster Day is a chance to enjoy a delicious lobster and celebrate all who play a part making it happen – from the lobstermen and women who haul the catch out of the sea, to the processors and dealers who move the product to shops and restaurants, to the chefs who turn our prized crustacean into culinary masterpieces. During a year filled with challenges, these hardworking professionals adapted and innovated to keep the Maine lobster fishery one of the world’s most profitable and sustainable. We look forward to celebrating their continued successes on September 25th!”

“Lobster is an iconic part of our heritage, culture and economy here in Maine, where so many coastal and island communities depend upon the fishery,” said Marianne LaCroix, Executive Director of the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative. “This year more than ever we hope that National Lobster Day helps to generate widespread awareness for our sweet, sustainably harvested product and we thank Senators King and Collins for their continued support of this important occasion.” 

Lobster is one of the most valuable catches in the U.S., and a fundamental economic driver for Maine communities throughout the state. In 2020, Maine lobstermen caught more than 96 million pounds of lobster, worth more than $400 million. Senators Collins and King have been vocal advocates for the lobster industry by pushing back against harmful policies that would hinder the continued growth and success of the industry.

This year’s resolution is cosponsored by Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.).

Click HERE to read the full resolution.