Senator Hawley Invites Democrats to Admit Their ‘Defund the Police’ Agenda was Wrong, Cosponsor Legislation to Hire 100K New Cops

Source: United States Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo)

In an attempt to distance themselves from their party’s radical ‘defund the police’ movement, all but one Senate Democrat supported Senator Hawley’s (R-Mo.) amendment to the budget resolution early this morning to hire 100,000 new police officers.
This morning, Senator Hawley sent a letter to all Senate Democrats who voted in favor of the amendment, inviting them to cosponsor S.2246, the standalone version of the amendment they have already supported.

“As you have recognized, putting 100,000 more officers on the beat is vitally important for public safety. Defunding the police is exactly wrong; we must increase funding for new cops,” wrote Senator Hawley. “On the Senate floor, Senator Durbin eloquently reminded us of President Biden’s support for a similar idea in the 1994 crime bill that he authored as a Senator… I am thrilled there is near-unanimous support for increased funding for police and for putting more cops on the beat.”

Senator Hawley originally introduced his legislative agenda to hire 100,000 new police officers in June.

View the full letter here.