Sen. Marshall Statement on Democrats’ Reckless Tax and Spend Bill

Source: United States Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall

Sen. Marshall Statement on Democrats’ Reckless Tax and Spend Bill

(Washington, D.C., August 11, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after voting against the Democrats’ reckless tax and spend budget resolution that will open the door to a reconciliation bill that will cost taxpayers $3.5 trillion, drive up inflation, and saddle future generations with massive debt.
“There is absolutely no way that I could support the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion dollar tax and spend bill from hell. The unsustainable spending policies put forth by this Administration are irresponsible and will do nothing but crush economic recovery, unleash runaway inflation, and destroy the futures of our children and grandchildren,” said Senator Marshall. “Pre-COVID, we had the greatest economy in my lifetime that came about because we lowered people’s taxes and reduced regulatory burdens. What we need is smart, targeted investments – not radical spending that leaves the country at a disadvantage and kills jobs.”
For the second time this year, the Democrat Majority bypassed the Budget Committee to vote on a budget resolution. This $3.5 trillion spending spree will force the national debt to soar to $40 trillion by 2031. Over the next 10 years, this reckless tax and spend bill will create $4.2 trillion in new spending and $390 billion in increased interest on the debt. Democrats consider this spending spree to be “fully offset” because there is no restriction on the amount of tax increases allowed under this budget resolution or through the fast-track reconciliation process.