NH Leaders, Stakeholders Laud Shaheen & Hassan for Leadership on Historic Infrastructure Legislation

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

August 11, 2021

**Shaheen was a Lead Negotiator of the Infrastructure Package, Steered Bipartisan Talks on Broadband & Water Infrastructure**

**Senator Hassan Led Efforts to Invest in Passenger Rail, Coastal Resilience and Cybersecurity**

(Washington, DC) – On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly voted in support of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act with a bipartisan vote of 69-30. The bill represents the largest investment in infrastructure in our nation’s history. This package would provide a $550 billion investment in our nation’s core infrastructure priorities – including roads and bridges, rail, transit, ports, airports, the electric grid, water systems and broadband. The bipartisan legislation was the result of months of negotiations that Shaheen led, and Hassan participated in, which will deliver robust investments for Granite State communities. Shaheen was a key negotiator and led provisions on broadband and water infrastructure. Senator Hassan helped secure key provisions related to passenger rail, coastal resilience, and cybersecurity. Hours after the Senate cleared the historic legislation, New Hampshire municipal leaders and stakeholders praised Shaheen and Hassan for their work to deliver the legislation through the Senate:

“I am grateful to Senators Shaheen and Hassan for their steadfast leadership in bringing this landmark infrastructure legislation across the finish line in the Senate,” said Joe Bonfiglio, Business Manager Massachusetts & Northern New England Laborers’ District Council. “This investment will help create good-paying construction jobs for working families and LIUNA New England members stand ready to help execute this historic investment in our country’s infrastructure.”

“The bipartisan infrastructure package that passed the Senate earlier this week is an investment in community and the quality of life for residents in cities like Concord,” said Mayor Jim Bouley. “Thank you to Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan for reaching across the aisle to get this done. The quality of our drinking water, the safety of our roads and the accessibility of high-speed internet will all improve due to this once-in-a-generation investment.”

“We appreciate the Senators’ work on this bill and are encouraged by the bipartisan support,” said Mayor Charlene Lovett. “This long awaited investment in our infrastructure will give communities like Claremont the resources needed to provide equal access to high-speed internet, improve the resiliency of our transportation network and expand access to passenger rail.  This investment directly ties into our ability to create economic opportunity, protect the public’s safety and the environment.”

“I’m thrilled to see the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act pass the Senate with bipartisan support, and I appreciate Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan’s efforts to make this happen,” said Mayor Joyce Craig. “With this historic investment, our city will be able to create good-paying jobs and improve our roads, airport, rail systems and more – ensuring our community thrives for years to come.”

“I’m proud of the bipartisan compromise that Senators Shaheen and Hassan reached earlier this week to deliver much-needed infrastructure investments that will benefit our local communities,” said Mayor Andrew Hosmer. “The unprecedented investment in bolstering broadband will be critical to communities, like Laconia, as Granite Staters continue to rely on connectivity to work, learn and access key services remotely.”

“From much-needed upgrades to our traditional transportation infrastructure, to investments in broadband to close the digital divide, to advancing the development of clean energy resources, the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed by the Senate will undoubtedly have a significant and transformational impact in our region. These investments will address critical challenges facing New England, while creating jobs and spurring continued economic recovery and growth. We are grateful to Senator Shaheen for her leadership in advancing this landmark bipartisan legislation, and hope the House will follow suit quickly,” said James T. Brett, President and CEO, The New England Council.

Shaheen was one of the lead negotiators of the bipartisan working group, which included U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Susan Collins (R-ME), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Mark Warner (D-VA), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Jon Tester (D-MT). In June, Shaheen joined President Biden and the bipartisan group of Senators to announce the framework of the package. Shaheen also joined members of the bipartisan group on the Senate floor to unveil bill text of the legislation. Shaheen was a key negotiator and led provisions on broadband and water infrastructure.

Senator Hassan worked to negotiate key provisions of the bill, including to improve coastal resiliency, expand access to high-speed internet, strengthen future funding opportunities for passenger rail to connect Nashua, Manchester, and Concord to Boston, and strengthen cybersecurity.