Capito Votes Against Democrats’ $4.2 Trillion Tax and Spend Budget Framework

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today voted against the Democrats’ budget resolution, which proposes $4.2 trillion in new spending and higher taxes. This partisan budget designed to kick off Democrats’ reckless tax and spending spree passed the Senate, with every Senate Democrat voting in favor and every Republican voting no.

“It’s baffling that Democrats see Americans experiencing record inflation under the Biden economy, leading to increased prices on everyday goods and services, and then decide the best course of action is to throw gasoline on the fire with a $4.2 trillion dollar reckless tax and spending spree. Even worse, they want the cost of their new social programs, expanded safety nets, and economically-damaging proposals to rest solely on the backs of working families, small businesses, and consumers. The partisan budget that passed along party lines today is remarkably irresponsible, and further exposes the divide between Democrats in Washington, D.C. and the hardworking West Virginians they want to endlessly tax,” Senator Capito said.


The Senate agreed to adopt an amendment filed by Senator Capito to create a deficit-neutral reserve fund to recognize that fossil fuel use is a critical part of any carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) policies.

Other amendments Senator Capito authored intended to:

  • Prevent a federal clean energy standard, clean energy mandate, or environmental regulations that would raise energy costs on low-income households, cause workers in the coal industry to lose their jobs, or negatively affect the economies of energy-producing states like West Virginia.
  • Ensure that no cost increases are associated with the implementation of the Housing retrofit program or interfere with the ability to restore blighted homes in rural, low income communities.
  • Prevent tax hikes in coal communities.
  • Prevent changes in federal tax law that will contribute to regional unemployment.
  • Prevent changes in federal tax law that disproportionately harm specific industries or job sectors.
  • Ensure funding for fossil energy research and development to continue to find innovative ways that fossils fuels can be utilized while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Ensure the Department of Energy continues to support the research and development of coal-derived carbon products to find innovative alternative uses for coal.
  • Ensure the Department of Energy continues to carry out the research and development of clean coal technologies, including carbon capture, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Support the travel industry by reopening international travel.
  • In a data-driven manner, travel to and from countries with vaccination rates at or above the U.S. would be allowed before those with lower vaccination rates.
  • Resolve the backlog of passports at the State Department, which ranges from 1.5 to 2 million passports.
  • Now that the vaccine is readily available and businesses are reopening, the State Department should be encouraging their staff to come back to the office and attend to the growing backlog.
  • Prioritize broadband in rural American for unserved areas.

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·       Prevent a Federal clean energy standard, clean energy mandate, or environmental regulations that would raise energy costs on low-income households, cause workers in the coal or natural gas industry to lose their jobs, or negatively affect the economies of energy-producing states like West Virginia.