Barrasso: Democrat Budget Full of Taxes, Waste, and Welfare

Source: United States Senator for Wyoming John Barrasso

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, issued the following statement after opposing the Democrats’ budget resolution, a $4.2 trillion tax-and-spending spree.

“The Democrats’ tax-and-spending spree is a multi-trillion dollar freight train to socialism.

“It will raise taxes on middle class families in Wyoming–on your savings, your investments, and your retirement. There’s a new Death Tax that will make it harder to keep farms or ranches in the family. Plus there are higher taxes for small businesses.

“Their irresponsible spending will drive costs higher. We’re already seeing inflation in everything from gas to groceries.

“This Democrat budget is designed to push a radical, far-left agenda. There’s mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, supersizing the IRS, and large parts of the Democrats’ job-killing ‘Green New Disaster.’

“Every American will pay for this waste and welfare. It’s wrong for Wyoming, and I’ll keep fighting to stop it.”
