Stop the “Cow Tax:” Ernst Has Major Beef With Dems’ Costly Regs on Farmers

Source: United States Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

WASHINGTON – As Senate Democrats try to ram through their partisan, more than $3,500,000,000,000 “Bernie, Biden reckless tax-and-spend spree,” U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) successfully added her amendment—with bipartisan support—to block Democrats from imposing a costly new “Cow Tax” on Iowa farmers and ranchers. Ernst took to the Senate floor to bar any new permits or federal methane requirements on livestock that could increase the cost of beef or other critical products.

Ernst speaks on Senate floor on her amendment to stop the “Cow Tax” on Iowa farmers and ranchers.
“As Democrats push full steam ahead on their reckless and partisan $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend spree, I’m making sure Iowa farmers and ranchers—and American consumers—aren’t left to pay the tab for their over-the-top, burdensome regulations—or what amounts to a ‘Cow Tax.’ These costly regulations could threaten to put our local farms out of business and devastate our rural communities. This amendment—passed with strong bipartisan support—puts a stop to the Democrats’ ‘Cow Tax,’” said Senator Joni Ernst.
Ernst’s “Stop the Cow Tax” Amendment was adopted with a wide bipartisan vote, 66-33.