Sen. Marshall Statement on Infrastructure Package that Adds $256 billion to Deficit

Source: United States Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall

Sen. Marshall Statement on Infrastructure Package that Adds $256 billion to Deficit

(Washington, D.C., August 10, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. issued the following statement after voting against the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which is only half paid for and adds $256 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years.
“I support a much needed infrastructure bill that paves the way and invests in Kansas’ future, but we must find a way to pay for it that does not involve robbing our seniors or continuing to mortgage our grandchildren’s future,” said Senator Marshall. “Over the past eighteen months, Congress has borrowed more than $6 trillion above our budget, our country is now approaching $30 trillion in debt, and as a result, we are seeing runaway inflation with no sign of letting up. This legislation is a gateway to Democrats’ multi-trillion dollar socialist spending bill that will raise our taxes, increase burdensome federal mandates, and continue to drive up the cost of everyday goods and services. We must stop this pattern of wasteful spending that saddles future generations with crippling debt.”
Reuters: Bipartisan U.S. infrastructure bill doesn’t pay for itself- review
The bipartisan infrastructure legislation making its way through the U.S. Senate is not self-financing, contrary to backers’ assertions, and would increase federal budget deficits by $256 billion over 10 years, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday.
CNBC: Infrastructure bill would add $256 billion to deficits over a decade, CBO says
The bipartisan Senate infrastructure bill would add $256 billion to budget deficits over a decade, the Congressional Budget Office estimated Thursday. The report from the nonpartisan agency did not take into account potential revenue increases created by economic growth. As it stands, the CBO said the bill, which does not include tax increases, would generate about $50 billion in revenue.