Rubio Statement on Wasteful $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C.— U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement after voting against the 2,700-page Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which failed to responsibly address America’s infrastructure needs. 

“I support investing in roads, bridges, broadband, and efforts to mitigate against sea level rise, and I hoped there would be a bill I could vote for,” Rubio said. “But this bill was negotiated in secret, rushed through the process without meaningful opportunities to have input, and adds a net increase of $350 billion to the national debt. I can’t vote for a bill like that.”

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that the $1 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act would add a net $350 billion to projected deficits through 2031. The package follows the Democrats’ irresponsible American Rescue Plan, which prompted Obama Administration economists to raise alarms over inflation. And it will be followed by “a massive, $3.5 trillion spending proposal through the U.S. Senate that would fundamentally transform America into a far-left fever dream.”
