Menendez Introduces Legislation to Revitalize Underserved Neighborhoods

Source: United States Senator for New Jersey Bob Menendez

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), a senior member of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Development Committee, today announced the introduction of the Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Act of 2021. The legislation supports locally driven strategies to revitalize underserved neighborhoods by making permanent the highly competitive Choice Neighborhoods grant program at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) has cosponsored this bill. U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.-5) is introducing companion legislation in the House of Representatives.

The Choice Neighborhoods program leverages public and private resources to transform underserved neighborhoods with distressed public or HUD-assisted housing into mixed-income communities with improved access to jobs, high-quality public schools, and public transportation. Choice Neighborhoods projects leveraged seven dollars of private investment for every dollar in federal spending from 2010-2015, bringing in almost $3.7 billion in additional funding to revitalize distressed neighborhoods.? 

“The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Act of 2021 will bolster a successful federal program to revitalize distressed neighborhoods and address affordable housing needs and challenges in communities across the country,” said Sen. Menendez. “Despite Choice Neighborhoods’ record of success and broad support, Congress has never fully authorized the program. This legislation would make the Choice Neighborhoods program permanent, providing the resources our local communities need to leverage private investment, build on their strengths, and improve the lives of residents.” 

“Affordable housing is the mother’s milk of economic prosperity—and the Choice Neighborhoods program has demonstrated how federal funding, in conjunction with private investment, for affordable and public housing can uplift underserved communities throughout the nation. The vision of Choice Neighborhoods is to bring together the public sector, private sector, and community leaders to revitalize not only distressed housing, but also transform the surrounding neighborhood ” said Congressman Cleaver. “By strengthening and making permanent this extraordinarily successful federal program, Congress has an opportunity to lift up neighborhoods that have been neglected for far too long. I’m proud to introduce this important piece of legislation with Senator Menendez, and I look forward to working with him as it makes its way through the legislative process.” 

The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Act of 2021 would: 

·       Authorize $1 billion for HUD’s Choice Neighborhoods program for Fiscal Year 2022 and such sums as may be necessary in each subsequent fiscal year;  

·       Strengthen program requirements relating to eligible applicants, community involvement, and the temporary relocation of public and assisted housing residents. 

The full text of the bill can be found HERE. 

