Lankford a ‘No’ on Democrat’s Reckless Tax and Spending Spree

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford


WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued the following statement for his opposition to the Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Resolution: 

“In 2017, Republicans passed the single largest tax cut for Americans, and we watched the economy take off. Now, Democrats are in control, and they’re trying to pass a huge tax increase on American families and small businesses, which will certainly slow our economy. Democrats’ $3.5 trillion wish list on new entitlements, climate change, and amnesty is a reckless spending spree that will accelerate the national debt. This is not what Oklahomans want, and this is not what our nation needs.”

Lankford’s amendment to prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars for funding of abortions and abortion-related discriminationwas successfully adopted by a vote of 50-49 to the Democrats’ partisan budget resolution. The amendment ensures that the budget will comply with the long-standing Hyde amendment, which bars the use of federal tax dollars to pay for abortion, and the Weldon amendment, which protects health care providers who refuse to participate in abortion from discrimination. 
