Hoeven Statement on Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven


WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven released the following statement today after voting for a targeted, bipartisan infrastructure package that will invest in core infrastructure updates in North Dakota and across the nation. 

“This bipartisan infrastructure legislation provides $550 billion in new, targeted investments in our roads, bridges, airports, flood protection and other traditional infrastructure. The legislation includes responsible pay fors, including repurposing COVID relief dollars and importantly it does not raise taxes,” said Hoeven. “The Senate could either advance this bipartisan legislation that does not increase taxes, or let the Democrats add more spending with tax increases to their upcoming $3.5 trillion spending spree. I also believe passing this bipartisan traditional infrastructure bill will make it harder for Democrats to pass their $3.5 trillion tax-and-spend bill, which I strongly oppose.”  

The bipartisan infrastructure bill builds on the regular highway bill with an additional $550 billion for core infrastructure investments for a total of $1.2 trillion over 5 years with no tax increases. It is not the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion tax and spend bill. 

Hoeven worked to secure important infrastructure priorities for North Dakota, including: 

  • $2.5 billion for constructing flood mitigation projects across the country, which would help with projects like the Red River Valley permanent flood protection and Minot region flood protection project.
  • Provides $12 billion to further efforts to “crack the code” on Carbon Utilization, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) including for carbon capture large-scale pilot projects and carbon capture demonstration projects, CCUS research and development as well as loan assistance for CCUS infrastructure.
  • $1.9 billion over 5 years for North Dakota’s roads, bridges, and highways, about $600 million more than North Dakota received over 5 years under the FAST Act.
  • Reforming the federal permitting process in line with the Trump Administration’s One Federal Decision rule to reduce the timeline for larger infrastructure projects.
  • Authorizing over $200 million for clean water in North Dakota through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.
  • The DRIVE-Safe Act, legislation Hoeven cosponsored that would help address the shortage of truck drivers by establishing a pilot program to allow 18-20 year olds to obtain a commercial driver’s license and truck goods across state lines.
  • The HAULS Act, legislation the senator cosponsored to provide needed relief to livestock haulers by expanding the hours of service agricultural exemption to exclude a 150 air mile radius around the destination of the trip.
  • The REGROW Act, legislation introduced by Senator Kevin Cramer and cosponsored by Senator Hoeven to plug and remediate the nation’s orphaned wells.
