Hirono Votes to Pass $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill, Calls for Immediate Consideration of American Families Plan

Source: United States Senator for Hawaii Mazie K. Hirono

August 10, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-Hawaii), Chair of the Energy Subcommittee, voted with her colleagues to pass the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act today. The sweeping legislation provides $1.2 trillion in federal investments that will address our country’s roads and bridges, transit systems, internet, wildfires, water infrastructure, and more.

“This historic investment in our nation’s infrastructure means that communities across the country can address their longstanding infrastructure needs,” Senator Hirono said. “But the Senate’s work is not done: it is critical we deliver on the promises we’ve made to help American families through affordable childcare, a permanent expanded Child Tax Credit, universal pre-K, Medicare expansion, and paid family leave.”

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes key items that Senator Hirono advocated for, including:

–          $100 million annually for grants to make energy efficiency, renewable energy, and electric vehicle upgrades and improvements in public schools

–          $500 million for state-led energy initiatives through the State Energy Program and expansion of the program to support state efforts to move to zero-emission transportation

–          The creation of a workforce development advisory board to help improve training for careers in the energy sector

–          $200 million for invasive species detection, prevention, and eradication

–          $400 million in state grants to conduct voluntary ecosystem restoration projects

–          $150 million for local governments to help firefighters train and respond to fires

–          $100 million in grants for small water storage and groundwater storage projects, including in Hawaii and Alaska

–          $3.5 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program to help low-income households increase their energy efficiency and use renewable energy

–          $9 billion to demonstrate innovative energy technologies including solar and wind, energy storage, geothermal, hydrogen, and water power. Native Hawaiian community organizations are preferred partners for federal grants for solar and wind project development.

Hawaii-specific investments are estimated to include:

–          $1.2 billion for federal aid highway programs over five years

–          $225 million for bridge replacement and repairs over five years

–          $316 million over five years to improve public transportation

–          $18 million over five years to expand an electric vehicle charging network in Hawaii

–          At least $100 million to expand broadband coverage across the state, providing access to at least 33,000 Hawaii residents who lack coverage
