Feinstein, Padilla Applaud Biden Administration’s Clean Truck Plan

Source: United States Senator for California – Dianne Feinstein

Washington—Senators Dianne Feinstein and Alex Padilla (both D-Calif.) today released the following statement on Biden administration’s plan announced last week to reduce emissions from heavy-duty trucks:

“The Biden administration’s Clean Trucks Plan is another example of California’s leadership becoming the model for nationwide action. The plan will reduce nitrogen oxides pollution from trucks starting in model year 2027, a rule we recently pressed the administration to initiate.

“Vehicle emission standards for heavy-duty trucks haven’t been updated in 20 years. These vehicles have become the largest source of transportation emissions, accounting for 32 percent of all nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from mobile sources.

“These pollutants are linked to respiratory and cardiovascular problems, and have been shown to disproportionately harm disadvantaged communities and communities of color. This is particularly concerning for people who live or work near ports, freeways and other transportation hubs.

“The Biden administration’s plan is a good first step, but more work is needed. Last year, the California Air Resources Board approved updated standards that are 90 percent stronger than the current federal NOx emission standards.

“However, because most trucks in California are purchased out-of-state and operated as national fleets, we hope to see federal rules as strong and protective of public health as those from California. Without aggressive federal standards, California could suffer penalties under current law. The EPA must continue to work with the California Air Resources Board to build on its efforts.”


  • Heavy- and medium-duty trucks are only 4 percent of vehicles on the road but contribute more than 50 percent of NOx and 60 percent of fine particulate matter pollution.
  • Last month, Senators Padilla and Feinstein called on the Biden administration to revise the NOx emission standards for heavy-duty trucks.
