Daines Statement on the Democrats’ Newly Unveiled Disastrous $4 Trillion Reckless Tax and Spending Bill

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE —Today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines released the following statement after Senate Democrats unveiled the details of their $4 trillion budget resolution that will radically expand the federal government, increase taxes for Montana families and businesses and put a massive amount of debt on the backs of Montanans. 

“Montanans are already grappling with soaring inflation and skyrocketing prices on everything from gas, to housing costs, to groceries. The reckless tax and spending spree bill the Democrats are now pushing will do nothing but hurt hardworking Montana families, small businesses, farmers and ranchers,” 
Daines said. “This behemoth of a spending bill is packed with far Left, radical policies like amnesty for illegals at a time we have a crisis on our southern border to massive tax hikes that’ll destroy Montana small businesses, farms and ranches. To pass this wish-list of liberal policies at the expense of Montana taxpayers is a mistake and takes our country in a dangerous lurch to the Left. I urge my Senate Democrat colleagues to stand against this reckless, Bernie Sanders led effort.”

Download a video statement HERE. 

In addition to the massive tax increases and spending issues with this bill, it includes contains several radical, far-left policies including:

  • Amnesty for illegal immigrants in the midst of the southern border crisis
  • A pathway for more gun control
  • Blue state tax bailouts
  •  “Environmental justice” and “climate equity” funds

Daines will be introducing several amendments to protect the Montana way of life and Montana taxpayers from the Democrats’ disastrous tax and spending spree including: 

  • An amendment to reopen the U.S.-Canada border
  • An amendment to prohibit the bill increasing the national debt
  • An amendment to speed up the permitting process for critical minerals
  •  An amendment to protect small businesses from tax hikes and protect the 20% small business tax deduction
  • An amendment to require 60 votes to raise taxes

This partisan, tax and spending spree comes on the heels of the Senate passing a separate trillion-dollar spending package which would $256 billion to the national debt. 


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler