Murphy Discusses Climate Crisis, Infrastructure Package with Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

Source: United States Senator for Connecticut – Chris Murphy

August 09, 2021

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Monday released the following statement after meeting with Commissioner Katie Dykes of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP):

“The climate crisis is only getting worse—as spelled out by the most recent UN report—making it even more urgent we address this existential threat to our state. While many Republicans in Washington continue to bury their heads in the sand, I’m glad to have proactive, innovative partners in Commissioner Dykes and her team at DEEP that are committed to making sure Connecticut’s future is secure. I was glad to give Commissioner Dykes an update on the climatefocused initiatives in the bipartisan infrastructure package––including money for coastal resiliency projects that I fought for––and discuss ways we can work together to tackle the climate crisis going forward,” said Murphy.
