Inhofe, Rounds Introduce Resolution Expressing Support for Israel Joining African Union

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

U.S. Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today introduced S.Res. 344, expressing support for the State of Israel joining the African Union under observer status.

“Israel has long been a supportive and valuable partner to much of Africa,” Inhofe said. “I am supportive of the news that Israel will once again join the African Union as an observer state. Israel has much to offer the AU as an example of economic growth and, building on the success of President Trump’s Abraham Accords, I am eager to see their relationships continue to thrive. That’s why Sen. Rounds and I introduced this resolution today expressing the support of the Senate.”  

“It is welcome news that Israel is joining the African Union as an observer state,” said Rounds. “This decision provides new diplomatic and economic opportunities for Israel and the African Union. Israel is a valued ally of the United States, and Israel’s positive relationship with international organizations supports the strategic interests of both our countries. I am proud to join Sen. Inhofe to formally recognize and support this achievement.”

The full resolution can be found here.