Sen. Cramer Joins Fox & Friends to Discuss His Vaccine Passports & Voter ID Bill and the Latest on Infrastructure

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined Fox and Friends on Fox News this morning to discuss the legislation he plans to introduce for states and local governments to require voter ID if they also require vaccine passports. He also reacted to the latest developments on the Senate working to pass a bipartisan infrastructure package, including the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score released yesterday and the expected timing of the bill’s passage. Excerpts and a link to the full interview are below.

On His Voter ID and Vaccine Passports Bill: 

“I never cease to be amazed at how easily Democrats are willing to give up their personal private health care records just to eat at a restaurant in Manhattan but then resist the requirement to demonstrate you are who you say you are to do something as important as casting a vote for President of the United States. So what my bill intends to do is shine that spotlight of hypocrisy.”

On Vaccinations: 

“The American people are not ill-informed about this. There’s lots of information. Self-governed people are capable of being self-informed. And when you start bullying or harassing people, that’s very counterproductive. Let people consult their doctors and make their own decisions for them and their family.” 

On the CBO Score:

“The CBO score is not the only thing that matters when it comes to the pay-fors. CBO is barred from scoring things like unemployment insurance benefits that are being returned or repurposing already appropriated funds from the CARES Act and other, you know, relief packages. In my view, I’m very comfortable with the pay-fors.”

On Supporting Infrastructure Investments: 

“An asset like infrastructure has as its primary purpose the movement of goods and services in our economy. It’s an asset that returns value to our economy and, ultimately, to the taxpayers. So I still think this is a very good and I think a high priority and function of the federal government. I believe it’ll pass. …. If it takes a day longer, then we stay here through Sunday and get it done.”