Fischer, Bacon Applaud Pentagon’s Increased Focus on Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, STRATCOM

Source: United States Senator for Nebraska Deb Fischer

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and top Republican on the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, and U.S. Representative Don Bacon (R-Neb.), a member of the House Armed Services Committeeand a leader on this area in the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, today welcomed an announcement that the Pentagon has established an office to oversee electromagnetic spectrum operations at U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) in Nebraska.

“I’m happy to see the Department of Defense building on the talented workforce at STRATCOM as well as the greater focus on the broader mission of electromagnetic spectrum operations. The establishment of this new office is welcome news, but its success will require sustained investment and commitment. I look forward to learning more about DoD plans to ensure the necessary personnel and resources are available to support this important work,”  said Senator Fischer.

“Previously, no one was in charge of U.S. electromagnetic spectrum operations, which resulted in a rudderless operation falling behind China. As Co-Chair of the Congressional Electromagnetic Warfare Working Group and a former EW officer in the Air Force, I have made the restoration of U.S. electronic warfare a top legislative priority. Continuing to ensure the Defense Secretary and Joint Chiefs of Staff make this a top priority helps us regain our competitive edge. Today’s announcement of these operations being headquartered at U.S. Strategic Command and Offutt Air Force Base is a win for the Omaha community, Nebraska, and even a bigger win for national defense to regain our dominance against peer competitors like China and Russia,” said Rep. Don Bacon. 

 “USSTRATCOM is proud to be the operational lead for the EMS Enterprise and EMS-dependent capabilities.  We are excited to be part of a department-wide implementation plan for the EMS Superiority Strategy and EMS-dependent capabilities.  USSTRATCOM personnel have been fully involved in drafting the implementation plan and are looking forward to executing our portion.  We will first stand up a Joint EMSO Center at USSTRATCOM reporting directly to CDR USSTRATCOM with expanded authorities across the Department of Defense,” said Admiral Charles Richard, Commander of STRATCOM.

He continued: “I am also appreciative of the support the Department and USSTRATCOM receives every day from the Nebraska Congressional delegation and their advocacy of our missions. Their support with programs like EMS truly benefits our national security.”

More information: 

The new Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Center is part of the U.S. Department of Defense’s electromagnetic spectrum superiority strategy. The office will be based at STRATCOM which is located at Offutt Air Force Base in Sarpy County, Nebraska. Read morehere.