Sen. Cramer Discusses Vaccine Passports, Voter ID, and Infrastructure on Fox Business

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

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WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined Ashley Webster on Fox Business this morning to discuss legislation he plans to introduce for states and local governments to require voter ID if they also require vaccine passports.

“It seems just logical. If I have to show [New York City] Mayor [Bill] DeBlasio something as personal and private as my health care records just in order to have a steak dinner in New York City, the least we should do is require people to prove they are who they say they are before they take on the very important responsibility of voting,” said Senator Cramer.

Senator Cramer also discussed the bipartisan infrastructure bill being debated in the Senate and why he supports Congress making a significant investment in American infrastructure. The senator spoke on the Senate floor yesterday about the bipartisan infrastructure package.

“It has as its primary purpose investment in an asset that moves commerce, whether it’s on roads, bridges, you know, airplanes, rail, water, and of course broadband; and it pushes back against inflation,” said Senator Cramer. “Not only does it invest in an asset, it invests in an asset that keeps the economy going, and it pays people to work as opposed to paying people to not work. We do not want to fall further behind, particularly [to] our adversaries like Russia and China who have been investing at a much faster rate than us. I think America needs this investment at a time when inflation is rising and … the jobless claims remain high, even in this booming environment. We just need to create the right climate, and I think this bill does that.”