News 08/5/2021 Blackburn Introduces Measures To Expand Broadband For Tennesseans

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) introduced several amendments to the infrastructure legislation focused on expanding broadband access.

“Tennesseans deserve reliable broadband access,” said Senator Blackburn. “Healthcare, education, and employment are rapidly transitioning to virtual platforms, and our unserved communities are left behind without broadband. I’ve introduced several measures to the infrastructure legislation to ensure that rural communities in Tennessee and across America can stay connected.”

Senator Blackburn’s Amendments Will:

Remove federal barriers and encourage private investment to expand broadband networks in rural communities.

• Ensure Americans can get connected to broadband networks immediately following disaster events.

• Prohibit the Department of Commerce from greenlighting equipment funded by the Chinese Communist Party.

• Require specificity on funding projects from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.