Murphy, Blumenthal Secure Funding for Connecticut in Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill

Source: United States Senator for Connecticut – Chris Murphy

August 05, 2021

WASHINGTONU.S. Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Wednesday secured funding for Connecticut projects in the Fiscal Year 2022 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill. Murphy and Blumenthal successfully fought for the inclusion of  $2.81 million for Saugatuck River dredging, $288,000 for a co-generation system at the Tower Foundation in New Haven, $200,000 for the Hartford-East Hartford Levee Feasibility Study on repairs in Congressionally Directed Spending for the FY22 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill.

“These are important wins for Connecticut and will provide much-needed funding to kick start projects that had been stalled. My priority on the Appropriations Committee is making sure Connecticut communities are supported, and I’m glad to see these federal dollars will promote economic development along the Saugatuck River, improve resiliency in Hartford, and invest in energy efficiency in New Haven,” said Murphy.

“All of the wins here – such as strengthening our state’s levees and improving navigability of our shoreline – are a vital investment in our water infrastructure. The federal funding we’ve secured will have an immediate impact on Connecticut – creating jobs and providing much-needed resources to upgrade facilities and invest in projects across our state,” said Blumenthal.
