ICYMI: Lima News: Senator Brown Looks to Improve Ohio’s Bridges

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Sherrod Brown

WASHINGTON, DC — In Case You Missed It: A Lima News article highlighted U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown’s (D-OH) work to include his Bridge Investment Act in the Senate’s bipartisan infrastructure bill. Brown authored this bill and has been pushing it for years. It would provide significant funding to repair and replace nationally and regionally-significant bridges with American iron and steel, and provide Ohio $9.8 billion of formula funding to repair, replace, and upgrade roads and bridges throughout the state. The bill is expected to be voted on this week.

“Brown’s ‘Bridge Investment Act’ is a proposed part of the larger bipartisan deal that was largely put together by fellow Ohio Senator Rob Portman. Brown touted the potential $12.5 billion investment as an opportunity to improve some of its most important bridges, like the Western Hills Viaduct and the Brent Spence Bridge in Cincinnati. Brown also noted that the provision would create more American jobs by enacting strict Buy America standards,” wrote Trevor Hubert for the Lima News.

Brown first introduced this bill in 2018 and will continue fighting for final passage of the package with this bill included, as well as several other provisions to upgrade critical infrastructure like broadband, waterways, and public transit—all without raising taxes on working families.

Read the Lima News’ full article HERE or below:

Senator Brown looks to improve Ohio’s bridges 

Sherrod Brown proposes $12.5 billion investment as part of infrastructure bill 

By: Trevor Hubert 

August 4, 2021 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown joined reporters on a conference call on Wednesday, discussing the continued fight to get an infrastructure deal done and what kind of funding Ohio could end up with.

On the call with Senator Brown was Howard Krueger, longtime Ohio resident and a living example of the dire infrastructure situation is in the state. He recalled the story of how a part of the Western Hills Viaduct in Cincinnati broke and came down on his car and did significant damage.

Senator Brown hopes that Krueger’s story is a call to action to properly fix Ohio’s roads and bridges, and not a warning sign of the larger issues that could be ahead if nothing is done.

“Everything we look at that matters to our lives, they’ve built it, but we simply haven’t maintained it,” Brown said. “Ohio’s bridges are too often literally crumbling around us. Right now there are 3,200 bridges in Ohio that need repairs.”

Click here to read the full story.
