IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… Sen. Rick Scott in Miami Herald: Democrats must heed the failures of communism in Cuba

Source: United States Senator Rick Scott (Florida)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In case you missed it, Senator Rick Scott wrote an op-ed for the Miami Herald calling on President Biden to join him in support of the Cuban people fighting for freedom and democracy against the illegitimate communist Cuban regime. Senator Scott is urging the President to abandon the Obama/Biden-era appeasement policies and socialist rhetoric of his party to help bring a new day of freedom to Cuba.

In the op-ed, Senator Rick Scott wrote, “The peaceful demonstrations we’ve seen across Cuba in recent days – the largest the island has seen in decades – are terrifying the brutal communist regime. The Cuban people are marching in the streets and crying out against the illegitimate, communist rule that has stripped them of their freedom, liberty and basic human rights and dignity for more than 60 years. The message is clear: it is time for a new day of freedom and democracy in Cuba.

Now, President Biden has the opportunity to go further, fully abandon the failed appeasement polices of the Obama administration and lead Democrats in the U.S. to denounce the evils of these political systems. President Biden knows socialist governments only bring suffering, and that appeasement of dictators does not induce reform. But even as members of his party are echoing Cuban communist propaganda, he can chart a different path.

Amid these horrors, President Biden must steer his party in the right direction. Castro sympathizers are walking the halls of Congress and arguing for full government control of multiple industries. They are pushing an agenda of systemic socialism. They want to defund the police and indoctrinate our kids in Marxist ideologies that divide people by skin color and train them to hate each other. For these so-called “democratic socialists” the more dependent the American people are on government, the better.

Today, there is only one path forward for the United States – the full, unapologetic and unequivocal support of the brave Cuban people fighting for a new day of freedom. President Biden has the opportunity to separate himself from the appeasement policies of the Obama administration, to stand up to the Socialist Squad’ and support freedom for the Cuban people.

The time for ’libertad!’ in Cuba is now. The terrified Cuban regime must listen to the cries for freedom and abandon the socialist ideology which has left the Cuban people’s nation in ruin. The Democrat Party, led by President Biden, must do the same.”

Read the full op-ed in the Miami Herald HERE.
