Cornyn: Schumer Must Allow Robust Amendment Process on Infrastructure

Source: United States Senator for Texas John Cornyn

WASHINGTON – Today on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the importance of Senators having the ability to offer amendments to the legislation. Today he introduced an amendment to make several categories of infrastructure investments eligible for unspent Coronavirus Relief Fund and State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund dollars. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“I’m still in the process with my staff of evaluating just how it will impact my state and our nation. Our colleagues who negotiated and drafted this legislation put in a lot of long hours and hard work to reach an agreement, and I commend them for their efforts. I’m eager to see a score from the Congressional Budget Office to provide a better understanding of the true cost of this legislation.”

“This bill should not be a rush through the Senate without providing all members a chance to read it, to understand it, and offer their suggestions to improve it. I’ve been working with some of our colleagues on amendments to this legislation to provide legitimate pay-fors.”

“This legislation will have impact on every state in the country, and every member of the Senate should have the opportunity to weigh in and offer changes. Members of the bipartisan group have committed to a process that allows Senators on both sides to offer changes to this bill. I hope the Majority Leader will allow that to happen and we will have a robust amendment process.”