Chairman Menendez Applauds Qatari Government’s $100 Million Contribution in Humanitarian Assistance for Yemen

Source: United States Senator for New Jersey Bob Menendez

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement expressing support for the Qatari government’s recent contribution of an additional $100 million towards humanitarian operations in Yemen to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis in the country:


“I applaud Qatar’s leadership in helping the Yemeni people. The Qatari government’s recent announcement of an additional $100 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Yemen is an important contribution that will help provide life-saving aide to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.  With more than 233,000 people dead, and millions more on the brink of starvation, the needless death and suffering this protracted war has wrought on so many Yemenis must end.
As the magnitude of human suffering and scale of destruction in Yemen is compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic, the international community cannot let up our efforts – we must follow suit in redoubling our commitment to lessen civilian casualties, ensure aide reaches the most in need, influence a potential political settlement, or at the very least, prevent the situation from getting worse.I encourage all countries to follow Qatar’s example and fulfill their pledges to help alleviate this devastating crisis.”

