Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Emergency Supplemental Spending Bill

Source: United States Senator for Texas Ted Cruz

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today released the following statement after voting for the emergency supplemental spending bill:
“After January 6, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer made the cynical decision to try to exploit that violent event for political advantage. What followed was months of political theater with the Capitol surrounded by a chain-link fence and razor wire, thousands of National Guardsmen visibly stationed (most without bullets), and Capitol Police required to treat our Nation’s Capitol like a military base in Baghdad. Pelosi and Schumer forced troops and law enforcement to work overtime and spend time away from their families to unnecessarily turn the U.S. Capitol into a fortress, all for ‘optics.’ None of that was justified by actual security concerns; instead, the kabuki theater was motivated by Democrats’ desire to malign tens of millions of voters nationwide who voted Republican.”Democrats’ partisan sham wasted taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars and undermined Americans’ confidence in the resilience of our institutions. However, none of that was the fault of the National Guard or the Capitol Police; instead, they were pawns involuntarily deployed by Democratic leadership. I voted for the supplemental appropriation today because I strongly support providing the National Guard and Capitol Police with the necessary resources for the honorable men and women who, through no fault of their own, were forced to play a part in this shameful Democrat stunt.”