Ernst Calls For Meeting With President Biden on Biofuel, RFS Enforcement, E15 Year-Round

Source: United States Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), a member of the Senate Agriculture and Environment and Public Works Committees, joined several senators in calling for a meeting with President Joe Biden and his Cabinet on biofuel, expressing concern with the Administration’s policies.
In a letter to the president, the lawmakers called for specific actions from the Administration, including formally recognizing the reduced carbon emissions of biofuel, expanding export opportunities, promoting biofuel blending infrastructure, ensuring for access to E15 year-round, and enforcing the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).
The lawmakers write, “Specifically, we seek an audience to discuss the tremendous opportunity that biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel present to bolster affordable American energy, underpin a strong agricultural economy, and immediately lower transportation emissions using the existing consumer vehicle fleet and fueling infrastructure.  Unfortunately, the promise of homegrown biofuels and our agriculture sector appear to be woefully underrepresented in your administration’s energy, environmental, and transportation agenda.”
They go on, “We hope to discuss with you immediate and intermediate steps your administration can take to feature American agriculture and biofuels as part of your energy and environmental agenda.”
“Mr. President, these are but a few administrative actions you can direct to further advance American energy security, expand consumer access to affordable energy, and reinforce gains in environmental stewardship, all while supporting a rural economy that looks forward to capitalizing on its full potential.  We look forward to the prospect of discussing these policies with you and leaders of your administration to ensure they are quickly incorporated in your ongoing deliberations,” they write.
To read the lawmakers’ full letter to President Biden, click HERE.