Carper, Coons vote in favor of bipartisan emergency security funding bill

Source: United States Senator for Delaware Christopher Coons

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons (both D-Del.) voted to advance bipartisan emergency security funding to address the impacts of the January 6th insurrection and the COVID-19 pandemic. The bill will also support the hundreds of Delaware National Guard members who traveled to protect the Capitol in the wake of the January 6th attack, and reimburse Delaware law enforcement for costs incurred protecting the president-elect prior to Inauguration Day. 

“On January 6th, our Capitol was attacked and desecrated in one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. In the wake of the assault on our democracy, we in Congress have a moral obligation to take care of the brave men and women who serve in our Capitol Police force,” said Senator Carper. “I’m proud that the Senate could come together today to pass this critical legislation that helps ensure the Capitol Police can safely continue to do their jobs and supports the extraordinary members of the Delaware National Guard who courageously protected our Capitol and our democracy.”

“We owe the brave men and women of the Capitol Police and National Guard, including many Delawareans, a debt of gratitude for their efforts to keep us safe following the events of January 6. I’m pleased that, in a bipartisan vote, the Senate has advanced critical funding for security in the Capitol complex, as well as money to help the National Guard and the Capitol Police recoup costs for their important work,” said Senator Coons. “I was also pleased to work with my colleagues on the Senate Appropriations Committee to ensure that Delaware law enforcement receive reimbursement for their costs to protect the President during the transition period. I’m proud to support these much-needed investments, and I look forward to this legislation being signed into law.”

The $2.1 billion supplemental includes:

·       $521 million to reimburse the National Guard;

·       $1.1 million to reimburse Delaware law enforcement for security services provided to then President-elect Biden between the election and inauguration;

·       $70.7 million for Capitol Police to support overtime, more officers, hazard pay, and retention bonuses for the Capitol Police;

·       $35.4 for the Capitol Police for mutual aid agreements with local, state, and federal law enforcement for securing the Capitol;

·       $300 million to secure the Capitol complex;

·       $42.1 million to respond to the COVID pandemic on the Capitol complex;

·       $1.125 billion for Afghan refugee assistance; and

·       8,000 new Afghan Special Immigrant Visas with new reforms to improve program efficiency.

A summary of the bill can be found here.
