Sen. Cramer, Banking Republicans to Oppose Treasury Nominees Over Nord Stream 2

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) joined his Senate Banking Committee colleagues on a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen informing her of their intent to oppose two Treasury Department nominees until the Biden Administration imposes mandatory sanctions on Nord Stream 2.

“The Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline directly harms the national security interests of the United States and our allies and partners. If completed, this project will increase Vladimir Putin’s malign influence over Europe, destabilize Ukraine’s fragile security, and encourage further Russian aggression,” the senators wrote. “We urge you to reverse course on Nord Stream II and join us in Congress’ long-standing defense of European allies and partners from malign Russian aggression.”

The letter follows the Biden Administration last week publishing a plan to allow the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to be completed without fear of action from the United States, a move Senator Cramer described as “a slap in the face for U.S. energy producers and our NATO allies.” The senator is leading the Protecting Our Well-being by Expanding Russian Sanctions (POWERS) Act, a bill to reinstate and expand the sanctions the Biden Administration is waiving on Russian people and entities involved in the construction of the pipeline. Learn more here