Press Releases 07/28/2021 Tillis Co-Sponsors Legislation to Increase Access to Credit and Opportunity This bipartisan legislation would permit landlords and utility and telecom providers to report on-time payment data to credit reporting agencies, giving consumers the opportunity to develop a positive credit history by establishing a track record of bills paid on time.

Source: United States Senator for North Carolina Thom Tillis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Recently, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored the Credit Access and Inclusion Act of 2021 to expand access to credit for an estimated 45 million Americans with either no credit history or a credit history that is too scarcely populated to generate a credit score. This bipartisan legislation would permit landlords and utility and telecom providers to report on-time payment data to credit reporting agencies, giving consumers the opportunity to develop a positive credit history by establishing a track record of bills paid on time.

“Developing a good credit history opens opportunities for future personal investments, which is why everyone should work towards this goal,” said Senator Tillis. “However, some may not know where to begin. This legislation will enable many Americans to establish a credit record simply by paying bills, and in turn, building towards a good credit score and a promising future. I am proud to work with my colleagues on this important legislation to open up more opportunity for millions of Americans.”


  • “Credit invisible” Americans typically do not have the history of traditional payments such as student loans, mortgages, and car loan payments, which effectively eliminates their ability to receive a credit score under the current system.
  • This limited approach has resulted in 26 million Americans who are considered “credit invisible” despite their established history of paying these bills on time. 
  • Meanwhile, another 18 million Americans are unscorable because their credit histories are too scant or old.

Read the full bill text here
