Crapo Statement on the Passing of Former Senator Mike Enzi

Source: United States Senator for Idaho Mike Crapo

July 27, 2021

Washington, D.C.–U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) issued this statement on receiving news that former Senator Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) passed away July 26, 2021, following a tragic bicycle accident over the weekend. 

“For over two decades, Senator Enzi passionately served the people of Wyoming as a thoughtful, conservative leader.  He brought his experience as an accountant and small businessman to Washington to tirelessly fight to fix the federal government’s broken budget process.  He never wavered in those efforts.  

“We had a shared philosophy when it comes to compromise, which is to focus on the things on which you can agree, and worry about the rest later.  I valued Mike’s judgment and friendship.  He said he tried to live by his mother’s advice–‘Do what is right.  Do your best.  Treat others as they want to be treated.’  He certainly did–and we will miss him.” 

Video of Senator Crapo’s full remarks before a Senate Finance Committee hearing can be viewed here. 
