Hoeven Announces Indian Education Professional Development Funding to Three ND Entities

Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven


WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Senate Indian Affairs Committee, today announced that the U.S. Department of Education has awarded funding to three North Dakota colleges and universities. These grants, available through the Indian Education Professional Development program, will be used to provide training and help increase the number of qualified individuals serving Native American students. Details are as follows:  

  • University of Mary – $800,000 to support Native American undergraduate students and Master’s-level participants pursuing a degree in education to teach in schools with a high proportion of Native American students. 
  • University of North Dakota – $400,000 to establish an Indigenous Teacher Education (ITE) program to address areas of need and support teachers serving Native American students.  
  • Turtle Mountain Community College – $364,628 to support the Turtle Mountain Training Educators to Advance Culture and Heritage (TEACH) program to provide pre-service training and certification to individuals teaching Native American students. 

“This funding helps support training individuals serving Native American students in North Dakota as well as greater educational opportunities for students,” said Hoeven. 
